It’s the little things

It’s been over four months since we said goodbye to the sunshine and summer of Catalonia and returned to the changeable grey of Melbourne. It’s incredible how fast things disappear into the past, and already our flat in Tortosa seems like years ago. We will always have a home in Catalonia, as it will always sit inContinue reading “It’s the little things”

Holiday! Celebrate! By working?

This week, I have had the unadulterated luxury of being on holiday. And not a travelling holiday either: a plonk yourself next to the pool, sunset drinks, working on your tan, proper vacation. Although it’s been great, these kinds of breaks are not my usual fare. I am much better at seeing and doing thanContinue reading “Holiday! Celebrate! By working?”

Calçots, calçots, calçots!

(To the tune of the Barça FC anthem) As I’ve mentioned before, calçots are one of the true seasonal delights of living in this part of the world. If the winter sun is shining, then I can’t think of a better to spend your Saturday afternoon than gorging yourself on these sweet oniony treats atContinue reading “Calçots, calçots, calçots!”

The week that was a year

This post is a week late because of a long weekend and a cold. Delivering something a bit later than planned is also an extremely Catalan experience (particularly when it comes to trains), so I think it’s sort of appropriate. We have officially been here for a year now. Isn’t that crazy? It certainly doesn’tContinue reading “The week that was a year”

The week of responsible research

Responsible research, sustainable science, aware academia. No matter which alliteration you choose, considering the environmental impact of your research sounds a bit meaningless, like dynamic synergy. But is it?  If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense for climate researchers to think about the climate footprint of their research.  The two mainContinue reading “The week of responsible research”

The week of the cry

OR Is it worth it? A few days ago I came home for lunch and had one of the biggest melt downs I’ve had in ages. Not one of those little tearies that might happen after you stub your toe, but a full on, family pet died kind of crying session. Why? Because I couldContinue reading “The week of the cry”

The week in the cloud

When I was at school, I would always take home what I now realise was ‘optimistic homework’. Two text books, two binders, my pencil case, the novel we were reading in English, three notebooks, my diary, and my calculator. You know, just in case. It was lucky for me that large, surfing brand backpacks wereContinue reading “The week in the cloud”